Jacob Blasdel, Executive Director
Indiana Bond Bank Investor Relations
Indiana Bond Bank Investor Relations
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Learn about Indiana Bond Bank Investor Relations including our News & Press Releases, Projects and Programs, and Team.
The Indiana Bond Bank is a quasi-governmental agency established by the Indiana General Assembly in 1984. The Bond Bank is a self-funded entity and does not receive any appropriations from the State of Indiana. The primary mission of the Bond Bank is to provide targeted financial solutions to Indiana units of government, including cities, towns, townships, public school corporations, counties, public libraries, county hospitals, and public universities.
On January 11, 2023 the Indiana Bond Bank announces Jacob Blasdel as its newest Executive Director. The Executive Director for the Indiana Bond Bank is responsible for the overall performance of the IBB. The Executive Director provides vision, purpose, strategy, coaching and direction to the IBB staff team, the IBB Board of Directors and involved stakeholders. Jacob joins the IBB after serving nearly six years at the Town of Speedway as Town Manager and then as Clerk-Treasurer. Jacob's extensive background in public finance and insights gained working in local government offers invaluable experience to allow the IBB to continue its commitment and service to communities across Indiana.
As we begin the 2023 calendar year, the IBB would like to formally welcome Indiana's 56th Treasurer of State as our newest Board Chair!
Daniel Elliott was elected as the 56th Indiana State Treasurer on November 8th, 2022. In this role, Treasurer Elliott serves as the Chair of the Indiana Bond Bank, the Statewide E-911 Board, the Indiana Education Savings Authority, the ABLE Authority, and the Sole Trustee of the State Police Pension Trust, among a number of other positions. As the state’s chief investment officer, he oversees the management of $16 billion on a daily basis.
Prior to becoming Treasurer, Daniel Elliott worked as a small business owner focused on software development and website design. Treasurer Elliott has also served in local government as a member of the Morgan County Council County and President of the Morgan County Redevelopment Commission, where he worked to create economic development opportunities in Morgan county. As President of the RDC, he has learned the importance of developing infrastructure for our local communities. As a County Councilman, he joined his fellow councilman in leading a county government of more than 350 employees. Daniel has seen firsthand the challenges local elected officials face.
Daniel Elliott grew up in a town called Nebraska, in rural Jennings County. Now, he lives on a farm in Morgan County with his wife Laura, and their four children. He is a proud school choice dad and a believer in traditional Hoosier values. Treasurer Elliott holds a B.A. in Business and Computer Science from Utah Valley University, and is the first Latter-Day Saint to be elected to statewide office in the State of Indiana.
In his free time, Daniel loves to spend time with his family and can often be found riding horses on his land and getting his boots dirty.
The Office of the Indiana State Treasurer is one of five constitutional offices and has broad responsibilities and authority in the areas of investment and finance. Kelly Mitchell serves as the 55th Treasurer of State, the fifth highest-ranking statewide government official. The Treasurer is elected statewide every four years. In addition to being the State’s chief investment officer and banker, the Treasurer serves as chairperson or a member of numerous State boards, commissions and authorities.
Below are some of the Treasurer’s key responsibilities:
We uphold fiduciary responsibilities while investing and safeguarding public funds, overseeing the management of the state’s financial assets, and providing accurate and timely funding to state and local stakeholders.
As stewards for the State of Indiana, we will serve Hoosiers with honesty, integrity, transparency, and dedication. We will do all we can to protect and strengthen Indiana’s fiscal present and future, while learning from the past. With steadfast determination, we will deepen relationships, stay open to possibilities, and listen well to the people we are privileged to serve.
Indiana Bond Bank (http://www.in.gov/bond)
Indiana Statewide 911 Board (https://www.in911.net/)
Indiana Education Savings Authority (https://www.in.gov/tos/iesa)
Indiana Achieving A Better Life Experience (ABLE) Authority (https://www.in.gov/tos/able)
Indiana Board for Depositories (https://www.in.gov/tos/deposit)
Indiana Finance Authority (http://www.in.gov/ifa)
Indiana State Police Pension Trust Advisory Board (http://www.in.gov/isp/)
Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority (https://www.in.gov/myihcda/)
Indiana Deferred Compensation Committee (http://www.in.gov/auditor/2389.htm)
Indiana State Board of Finance (http://www.in.gov/auditor/2364.htm)
Indiana Grain Indemnity Corporation (http://www.in.gov/isda/2491.htm)
Underground Storage Tank Financial Assurance Board (http://www.in.gov/idem/4708.htm)
Next Level Indiana Trust Fund (https://www.nextlevelindianafund.com/)
Enterprise Resource Planning Governance Committee Indiana Public Retirement System (https://www.in.gov/inprs/)
Indiana Community Business Credit Corporation
IBB's Fuel Budgeting Program insures budgets of participating local units of government against fuel price volatility. This article looks at the experience of a large city in Indiana which has participated in the program for 10+ years.
Have questions? Reach out to us directly.